Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Please, do not let your addiction define you, never think that your addiction is what you are. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I've seen in myself and others that those kind of thoughts are a big mistake. The moment you think your addiction is all there is, the moment you let it define you, you are as far away from being in control as you can be. I've seen this in all kinds of addicts, it does not matter what you're addicted to, the moment you let your addiction become you, the chances of escaping it slims down.

You are not the blade your holding. You're not the needle you're pressing into your hand. You're not the cigarette, you're not the alcohol. You're a wonderful human being, with a little extra luggage. But you are not now, and nor will you ever be, the thing you are addicted to. 

I don't know your stories, I don't know what you've been through, what you're going through on a daily basis. But this I do know; you are all wonderful and beautiful human beings, and if you let yourself, you can become so much more then you are already. This isn't all there ever will be, you are just starting to stretch your feet. There are so much more to this world, and to you, if you only give it the chance. I know its easier for me to say this, then it is for you to actually do it. And I'm not saying you should put the blade down and become happy right away. I'm only saying, I'm only hoping, that you will find the courage to start taking those steps towards recovery. The next time you feel the urge, try putting it off as long as possible. Tell yourself "just wait 15 more minutes." And then after a while those 15 minutes will turn into an hour, a day, a week, a month. Recovery isn't easy, and those who claim it is are either lucky bastards, or they simply don't know what they're talking about.

When you relapse, don't hate yourself for it. Be proud, smile. You did so good, and I'm truly proud of you for making it. Say you made it two weeks, a relapse doesn't mean those two weeks were for nothing, quite the opposite; it means that your growing stronger, your closer to reaching the point were you're in control of the addiction, where you can stop. Being able to stay away from it for just a day is such an accomplishment, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. And never, ever, lose hope. You will manage to get past this, I know you will. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even years from now, but one day, one day you will. I have such a belief in you all, I can't even begin to say that enough. I have such an incredible respect for you. You are so incredibly strong. All those battles you are fighting, I know people that haven't survived. But here you are, still standing. I really do admire you for still being alive, that demands great strength. I can tell that you're an incredible person, and I know you will go to places far beyond your dreams in this life. You will make it, I know you will. 

You all are so beautiful, you all are worth so much more then words can cover. Each and every one of you are special in their own way, and I pray that you will all survive this battle. One day things will get better, and you all deserve to be alive to see that day. The best of luck to all of you.

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