Monday, November 7, 2011

Wishbones and collarbones, dreaming and dying. Dreaming of dying. I'm back down again and it's horrible to hide. No blades. No escape. Someone save me. All I am is confused. I'm scared. Help me. Nobody notices, nobody cares, i need help and somebody to say, "are you okay?" and actually mean it, and actually want the answer. I wouldn't know what to say anyway, "I'm fine" has gotten to be such an automatic response; I don't even know what's wrong anymore. I think I want to die again. I don't know. I think I feel happy. I know I feel sad. What the hell is going on in my head???!!


  1. You have family that care & love you very much and want to REALLY help you. You HAVE to let them back into your life and YOU must reach out for help that they and others can and want to give YOU. You're parents and friends are so worried about you, yet you ask for help here but then won't let us help? PLEASE REACH OUT and hold on to us so we can HELP YOU. You are a very special and much loved person, remember that. Go home and seek/get the help you so desparately need and want. Love from someone who CARES very much about you. xxx
