Saturday, December 10, 2011

Im angry at you, which I have never ever been before. Either you're lying to me or you're lying to everyone else, and Im almost 99% sure you're lying to everyone else. You did not 'smoke alot of pot', you drunk every now and then but you were not a fucking 'alchoholic'; and if you're going to talk to someone about me at least tell them the truth, do not try and make me sound innocent and weak. And you never, ever, taught me how to scream. I taught myself with 4 lines of tips from an old friend, I never even used youtube. So no, you did NOT teach me. All of your problems, yes they suck, but a lot of other people have those same problems and you shouldn't be bragging about your exaggerated problems. It's like you're trying to make yourself sound 'cooler', or 'tougher', or something. "Oooh I'm moving out cause of my major depression etc etc...." You've changed so much and I dont even think you can see it; and as much as it hurts me to say it, you're not the same person I fell in love with.

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